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Urbanism: What is urban resilience?
What is urban resilience, and why does it matter for building the cities of tomorrow?
RV-ing in a risk zone
Recreational Vehicles are a very popular mode of transport among foreign tourists in Baja (MX). However, some are settling on risk zones.
Paris: The wrapped Arc de Triomphe by Christo
The famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris got wrapped in 2021 by a posthumous project of Christo. Discover more
Discover the Grand Paris
Urbanism: What is urban resilience?
What is urban resilience, and why does it matter for building the cities of tomorrow?
RV-ing in a risk zone
Recreational Vehicles are a very popular mode of transport among foreign tourists in Baja (MX). However, some are settling on risk zones.

Paris: Is it too expensive – are you too poor
Paris – the city with the highest standard of living in France is becoming more and more homogeneous, entraining as well consequences for the suburbs…
Discover cities in Europe

Urbanism is a way of life
What is the difference between urbanization and urbanism. How they developed and what does it mean to the city ? A philosophically analysis.

Lusatia : The battle for the pit. Climate activists in Germany.
The production of brown coal in Germany is increasingly criticized. The battle for the mine is being fought by climate activists not only in the Hambach Forest, but also in Lusatia. Urbanauth took a look into it!

Solutions for the urban water crisis
Waterstress is causing harm to health and finds its roots at the urban water crisis cities are facing in the wake of climate change and waterproblems…

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