The famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris got wrapped in 2021 by a posthumous project of Christo. Discover more

The famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris got wrapped in 2021 by a posthumous project of Christo. Discover more
Discover the urban artist who passed away in 2022 and discover more about their graffiti and streetart.
The design of public transport and the right to the city are deeply connected. Discover more…
Learn more about the phenomenon of overtourism and what measures are being taken against it – in Prague and around the world.
Europan turns 30! And invites for the 15th edition young architects not only to think about, but also to build the city of tomorrow. Leading theme of this year: The productive city.
Munich seeks new architecture. Munich wants to be creative.
And… Munich has a housing shortage. Is there a light in sight?
Dublin is suffering under a housing crisis, but grassroot organisations aren’t willing to give up and fought back last summer…
Paris – the city with the highest standard of living in France is becoming more and more homogeneous, entraining as well consequences for the suburbs…
According to the results of a feasibility study conducted by the Duisburg Development Center for Ship Technology and Transport Systems, there will be autonomous inland waterway vessels in 15 years’ time. Is it a contribution to solving transport and environmental problems?
The dilapidation takes its toll: on 5 November 2018, two houses in the Noailles district of Marseille collapsed, costing the lives of eight residents.
In France, calls are becoming louder to ban the use of flashballs and GLIF4 grenades by police officers. Among other things because they lead to serious injuries if used incorrectly. The LDH published its press release.
Within the framework of the “Advancing Cities” initiative by the American bank JP Morgan, more than 27 million euros are expected to be invested in the greater Paris area over the next five years. The banlieue Seine-Saint-Denis (93) will receive most of the benefits.