What is the difference between urbanization and urbanism. How they developed and what does it mean to the city ? A philosophically analysis.

What is the difference between urbanization and urbanism. How they developed and what does it mean to the city ? A philosophically analysis.
Learn more about what tactical urbanism means and how short term actions can have a long term impact on the eco system the majority of human beings live in: the city.
Weekly Urbanauth – This week with a lot of urban culture from France and an interview with city planner Richard Sennet. Also fight for housing on Cologne’s Schälsick side, extinction rebellion in the headlines and another week of unrest in Hong Kong.
Dublin is suffering under a housing crisis, but grassroot organisations aren’t willing to give up and fought back last summer…
Paris – the city with the highest standard of living in France is becoming more and more homogeneous, entraining as well consequences for the suburbs…
The dilapidation takes its toll: on 5 November 2018, two houses in the Noailles district of Marseille collapsed, costing the lives of eight residents.