Read in weekly urbanauth 42 about poor and rich pupils of Paris, the biggest construction scandal of germany and Japan’s culture treasures for your next vacation.

Read in weekly urbanauth 42 about poor and rich pupils of Paris, the biggest construction scandal of germany and Japan’s culture treasures for your next vacation.
Weekly Urbanauth – This week with a lot of urban culture from France and an interview with city planner Richard Sennet. Also fight for housing on Cologne’s Schälsick side, extinction rebellion in the headlines and another week of unrest in Hong Kong.
Discover the Weekly Urbanauth 38 – 2019.
Within the framework of the “Advancing Cities” initiative by the American bank JP Morgan, more than 27 million euros are expected to be invested in the greater Paris area over the next five years. The banlieue Seine-Saint-Denis (93) will receive most of the benefits.