PTK war zu Gast in Paris und spielte zwei Konzerte. Ein kurzer Rückblick auf ein Wochenende mit gutem Rap und tollen alternativen Orten.

PTK war zu Gast in Paris und spielte zwei Konzerte. Ein kurzer Rückblick auf ein Wochenende mit gutem Rap und tollen alternativen Orten.
Learn more about the phenomenon of overtourism and what measures are being taken against it – in Prague and around the world.
Dublin is suffering under a housing crisis, but grassroot organisations aren’t willing to give up and fought back last summer…
Paris – the city with the highest standard of living in France is becoming more and more homogeneous, entraining as well consequences for the suburbs…
The dilapidation takes its toll: on 5 November 2018, two houses in the Noailles district of Marseille collapsed, costing the lives of eight residents.
In France, calls are becoming louder to ban the use of flashballs and GLIF4 grenades by police officers. Among other things because they lead to serious injuries if used incorrectly. The LDH published its press release.